Old Fashioned Crafts with a Modern Twist.
The Beginning
Inspired by old fashioned living and handcrafts, this Momma Bear began a personal journey in homesteading studies after the birth of her second son. What started with simple scratch cooking developed into a need to research nutrition and creating a mental cookbook of all things delicious.
Then came rekindling a love for hand embroidery instilled by her grandmother. Which inspired more decor creations for her own home, gifts for family and a few quick sales at church.
Back to Her Roots
Chickens came soon after. Which, her husband (still) hates but has no complaint of the daily gathering of fresh eggs. The desire to have a garden came the spring after the death of her grandfather in 2018. Turns out she doesn’t have Grandpa’s green thumb, but she manages.
Formal herbalist studies followed in 2020 and opened a whole new world of nutrition, home remedies, supplements, and body care. Momma Bear studied Mycology (mushrooms), basic and intermediate herbalism, wild foraging, botany, basic business management, basic anatomy and some Latin amidst all other lessons from the School of Hard Knocks.
The more she studied, the more she learned. And the more she loved working with her hands. With each new skill learned, she shared her creativity with her four sons. As they've grown, the man cubs have become more than her inspiration for creativity. The man cubs now help design, create and share their mom's love for old fashioned crafts with a modern twist.
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